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Why did I think of porn while reading about yoga?

Yoga is a thousands year old tradition and practice.

It is what happens on the inside, it's what we feel and embody.

For many, it's a sacred practice that helps them find refuge and reach deep states of self-awareness. For others, it is what drives their action and inaction towards other beings.

So am I really seeing similarities between yoga and porn?

Well, yes. And no.

Between reading about yoga and consuming porn - yes.

And between consuming porn and practising yoga - no. At least not directly.

That said, I am sure some will see those too, and it could be really beautiful.

How is porn related to yoga then?

I was reading a chapter of a book on yoga that one of my students is currently writing. Shoutout, Dagmara! It's a needed book in the Polish yoga world. The more I was getting hooked on it, and the more I learned about various theories behind our bodily perceptions, the more I wanted to jump out of bed and onto my mat.

I felt an urge, just like I would while consuming porn.

I felt like I needed to go to my mat to take in all the extraordinary benefits it offers me each time I show up to practise. It was an urge I could - but didn't want to - resist. Just like with porn.

I'm not saying that yoga is porn. Not at all. And I want to acknowledge how problematic most porn is. This post is merely an attempt to show that (1) reading can lead to taking direct action (2) imagination and memories can make or break how you feel (3) if you can roll out your mat, do it.

What I'm also saying is: if you can give yourself or receive pleasure today, DO IT. And if you can help someone achieve pleasure, do that again and again, with their consent.

Pleasure is radical

and so is yoga

It's about radical kindness, compassion, empathy and understanding.

Pleasure comes in many forms, amongst them in physical and mystical experiences one can derive from yoga. So roll out your mat, hop on it, and happy flowing (or sitting, or laying down, or whatever brings you pleasure!)


Think about 2 things that bring you pleasure. Not joy, not happiness, pleasure.

Which one of the two is easier to do now?

Go do it.

Report afterwards :)

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